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basal metabolic rate中文

用"basal metabolic rate"造句"basal metabolic rate" in a sentence"basal metabolic rate"怎麼讀"basal metabolic rate"的同義詞


  • 基礎代謝率
  • 新陳代謝基率


  • Basal metabolic rate of male young adults in north china
  • It is possibile that reduced slumber affects the number of calories burned while at reast ( basal metabolic rate ) and translates into weight gain over time
  • So evidence of sustained rapid growth , even into late juvenile and subadult stages , implies that the animals in question had relatively high basal metabolic rates
  • Song zhigang and wang dehua 2002 . the maximum metabolizable energy intake and the relationship with basal metabolic rate in the striped hamster ( cricetulus barabensis ) . acta theriologica , 47 ( 4 ) : 417 - 423
    李興升王德華楊俊成. 2003 .光周期對布氏田鼠和長爪沙鼠能量代謝和體重的影響。獸類學報23 ( 4 ) : 304 311 。
  • Because dinosaurs were not like living reptiles in the way they grew , but much like birds and mammals , their basal metabolic rates were probably more like those of birds and mammals than like those of today ' s reptiles
    由于恐龍的生長方式并不像現存爬行類,反而比較接近鳥類與哺乳類, ?們的基礎代謝率恐怕也比較像鳥類與哺乳類,而不像今天的爬行類。
用"basal metabolic rate"造句  


  • the rate at which heat is produced by an individual in a resting state

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